Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 36!

This was a busy week for us-Kahlil and I celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary, we had our home visit from our midwife, Kahlil's work threw him a baby shower (!), we went to a Sounders game and last night we celebrated Kahlil's Birthday. Here are some photos from the week...more from our anniversary to come.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Camp Out (with the Belly that is)

Last weekend Kahlil and I headed to the Southern Washington Coast to hike, camp and play at the beach.

We arrived to a sign that read: "Campsite Full" at 9 at night with the next closest/available campsite who knows how far with my hand on my pregnant belly, I walked into the office to request a tent site...

"sorry we're totally full" said the ranger...
"really-we just came all the way from olympia I said" (rubbing my belly, ranger takes a long look at me)
''hmmm let me see what I can do...(gets on his radio...and then has conversation in back room with other ranger)
"well, how about we give you one of our emergency leftover sites for the night?"
"great we'll take it" says me

minutes later someone walks into the office and says they have to leave the camp early so we wind up with a really sweet secluded spot near the beach!

We spent Saturday hiking up to a lighthouse and going for beach walks. It was hot enough to go into the ocean which felt amazing for muscles! Sleeping was another adventure though..I'm definitely no longer up for sleeping pads for the rest of my pregnancy. I had my body pillow with me but still tossed and turned through the night.

The park was an incredible spot for camping though and we definitely plan to bring our baby back. There are hiking trails, bike trails, two long stretches of beach to explore and two lighthouses. On our way out on Sunday we hiked to the second lighthouse which overlooks the mouth of the Columbia River, the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

The three of us have been doing really good. I continue to feel great though I'm starting to get more tired these days. Kahlil and I just took our first birthing class two nights ago...we watched a video called Birthing into Being which takes place in Russia and is all about water births. Incredible!

Ultrasound at 30 weeks

Anyone have any quesses? girl or boy? we're not telling... (and we don't know!)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Weeks 27, 28 and 29

Here are some photos from the past few weeks (photos from the garden, our trip to Lake Cushman during the hot spell, working on the house and some belly shots)-which have really just been so good. I am loving every moment of being pregnant and feel like it is such a miracle and honor.

It's amazing to think that in just one week I will be at 30 weeks. I remember listening to women in my pre-natal yoga class announce that they were 30 weeks and thinking that it was sooo far away. But here I am- and I've been feeling great. I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a great pregnancy but as Maisie and my mom both tell me, their pregnancies were easy for them as well. This baby has good genes!

The baby has been moving around lots-it's been the most active time. At about 27 weeks there were frequent active kicks and punches and now the movements have slowed and are a bit stronger. I can feel little feet now inching closer and closer to my ribs-most people comment on how large my belly is. I don't feel too huge though I do notice that I have to sit back a bit from the table and washing dishes I have to do sideways!

I've been swimming for a couple weekends in a row which has felt incredible and is a great workout for me. I wish the pool was open everyday! I found a saline pool in town here where eventually I'll take our little one for swim lessons. On Sundays they host an open lap swim. So I've been heading down to the 85 degree pool and swimming laps. Even though I've been lucky enough not to have a lot of back pain, the feeling of being weightless in the water is amazing. I just feel like I have this little buoy under me! Walking has been my primary mode of transportation which has also been great-but as I walk now I am definitely feeling the weight of the baby-I've just learned to go a a different slower pace. Yoga has also been so helpful to my overall physical and mental well being. It is incredible to be in a room surrounded by so many mamas all at different points in their pregnancy-to see all of the bellies and belly sizes!

We made a big decision this week to sell our sweet little house but we are excited to move into a bigger one for all four of us (no I'm not having twins -but don't forget Buck!) and have found some great spots so far. The house sold in just 4 days-not surprising for what a magical spot it is. So please send your good thoughts our way to help us find a great house with: 2-3 bedrooms, garden space and nice large yard, a garage, close to town and good schools, charm and craftsmanship.

Finishing the downstairs of the back structure which now also has new flooring.

Our garden after the first harvest with cucs, radishes, carrots, lettuce, beets-we also have peas and tons of strawberries.

Next week is our 30 week ultrasound so stay tuned for those incredible pictures!